Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I have been considering moving down to Austin because it is closer to home. There is some conflict in this decision though. I don't know if I have given Denton, Texas a chance. Sara most likely hated Burnet for the first couple of weeks before she started meeting people. So I don't know if I leave I am leaving for the right reasons. I miss home, but I don't know if I have allowed myself to grow any in Denton. The only people I know well are Sara and Mitch and they are still pretty far away. I am trying to make new friends but everyone seems so busy up here, no one has time to just walk around and just enjoy the day.
Well the that is about my only thing I wanted to say. I might be leaving after this semester to go down to Concordia University in Austin. I hope that God guides me to make the right decision and I just pray that He will help me with this fork in the road. If you have any input or advice on what I should do please let me know.


Mitch M said...

Josh, I know that there is that very real and very strong urge to leave, but I really think you should tough it out. If you still feel the same way at the end of the semester as you do now, then (and only then) should you consider a different option. I just don't think you've given yourself enough time to adjust and grow. My first semester here mostly sucked. I went home a lot because of it. But, things gradually got better as I made friends. There's simply no substitute for time when it comes to making friends. I promise it will get better if you'll only let it. Otherwise, make a liar out of me, why don't you? You know I'm always ready to give advice when you need it. Sara too.

Sara Triana said...

Dear friend,

I survived my first semester by complaining, escaping with Sallen and Sarah Vickers some nights, and by running home to my friends and their parties. I guess I was more fortunate than you are because I had about three friends at dbu. Still, I hated school, classes, the student body I was a part of, and most of all being away from my best friends, who were at home in Cleburne. It sucked sometimes, but the suffering pays off if you persevere through it.

Miss home, struggle, be in pain, and get yourself through it. My mom reminded me that it took a long time for me to make the friends I had back in Cleburne, and so it would take a bit of time to make new friends.

It took a long time, but I'm glad I stuck it out. College friends are some of the most amazing people you will ever have in your life. It took time and effort to befriend all of the people that attend Poetry Night- but you see how much it paid off. I am closer to them than almost all of my high school friends.

We'll come visit you soon. See you tomorrow night, hopefully.