Thursday, July 16, 2009


I am different
I am.
My life has not fallen apart 
not yet.
My friends look the same
are they?
My God looks much like theirs
is He?
My body seems quite normal
is it?
My goals blend with the rest
like theirs.
My dreams appear mundane
I am different
I am.

To meet the child I once was
To know the secrets I knew 
To the questions I have now

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

we are too evolved

I feel alive,
I feel the words soak in
I write slower to absorb the lines,
I let them understand why 
they are being written,
I allow them to be simple
I try not to scare them off
with their larger counterparts,
they call me to understand them too
they want to be read
they want to be written,
we know one another
we are not friends
but we are acquainted,
I ask them what to do
they listen and answer 
thats when my hand moves,
the letters and I crave each other
we both feel the same things,
we know exactly what the other is thinking
we are not two pieces but one whole,
the only difference is
I scream and they don't talk at all

just like I want to be looked at without limitations.
my words want to be written without rules of punctuation and rhythm