Sunday, June 29, 2008

Kinda a long time

I'M BACK TO WRITING POETRY!! and I'm really happy about it. For the longest time I wanted to say so much and put it into such a compact piece of work, but I'm now writing on a daily basis which is healthy....I think....I feel healthy.

I'm playing guitar. Capitals has drafted me as the second guitarist for them so I'm doing that but I'm also playing some acoustic stuff just around my house and I enjoy that also. I'm not as good as I wish I was but I'm working on it.

Life has become more complicated and more simple at the same time. Since Christmas I had hit a stailmate with God and myself. I didn't feel I was pursueing God at all, our relationship had not progressed (which is probably why I couldn't write either) but I'm now finding God in something I never thought about finding Him in...people. I've always looked at nature and other things and seen God's hand in them but I've never focused on people having God move through them and making them beautiful. We are miracles...who knew?.

Tegan and Sara is a really great band.

Wall-e was the best movie I've ever seen in my whole life. I love it so much I cannot get over how good it was. Everyone should see it. It had two really great life lessons about obesity and pollution, and a little lesson about not allowing robots to take over the world.

I read a short story called "A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings" I liked it very much. It just showed me that our population isn't looking to see miracles or proof that there is a God, society is just wanting to see an opportunity to benefit itself by using said miracles and proof that there is a God.

I'm going to be moving to a department pretty soon at Home Depot, that means I will be getting a promotion and also I will not longer work at a cash register. Good.

Jordan's name on T-9 comes up as Korean, and he does not like it when you call him Korean.

Rihanna's song Umbrella is seriously one of the best songs to ever come across my ears (at least top 10). Her voice is so silky smooth and she makes me want to finish every sentence with an "ella, ella, ella, ay, ay," but my voice is a little too masculine.

Summer and I are back to being friends again and it is nice, we hang out together when all the drinkers are partying.

I really don't have much else to say, when I get a poem written that I really like I will post it. Hopefully that will be soon.

Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Sara Triana said...

hooray for the return of the king!